sport dumbbells

Dumbbells for Light Male Female

  • These hand weights are neoprene coated iron dumbbells offer excellent non slip grip, coated grip offers good protection keeping the flooring from being damaged. Neoprene coating protect the dumbbell from sweaty hand smell and scratches.
  • ANTI ROLL HEXAGONAL SHAPED DUMBBELLS WEIGHTS – Our Hexagonal coating and weights are safety dumbbell system with Hexagonal design which prevents the dumbbell from rolling when leaving on a flat surface. This is a great advantage if you are switching between weights or exercises and are constantly picking them up and putting them down
  • DIFFERENT WEIGHTS IRON DUMBBELLS-Dumbbells are available in 0.5kg, 1kg, 1.5kg, 2kg, 2.5kg, 3kg, 4kg, 5kg, 6kg, 7kg, 8kg, 9kg, 10kg, Our Dumbbells are always sold as a PAIR. The printed weight numbers at the end of each dumbbell help with quick identification.

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fghal, Feghal,

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